Meditation on the Nativity of Our Lord
Meditation on the Nativity of Our Lord

Physical CD
In no better way can we know God than through mental prayer and meditation, for as St. Francis de Sales says, “By often turning your eyes on Him in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with Him. You will learn His ways and form your actions after the pattern of His life.”
To assist you in the practice of mental prayer, the Daughters of Mary have published the book Meditations and Reflections. This book contains simple meditations, written according to an approved method and based on the writings of saints and other authors. We are now, for the first time, making one of these meditations available as an audio recording. It is our hope that through this meditation on the Nativity, read by one of the Sisters, you will attain a greater understanding of our Savior’s humility and love, with a stronger resolution to imitate these virtues of His sacred Infancy.